Alcove Integrations: Bringing Powerful Carbon Context to a Suite of Tools

Mars and Marley


Mars and Marley


November 2, 2023

Alcove Integrations: Bringing Powerful Carbon Context to a Suite of Tools

Alcove brings powerful carbon specificity and guardrails out of the box to build trust, transparency, and speed for stakeholders across the value chain. Showcasing the high integrity data behind your carbon credits has never been easier. 

We started Alcove, a purpose-built carbon credit intelligence platform, because we were shocked that project developers had to retrofit generalized software to their complex operations. There was nothing on the market that was bespoke to carbon, let alone a specific technology or pathway. Telling the whole story behind each ton of carbon removed is critical to successful buyer relationships who hope to offset their emissions in a meaningful, high quality way. If a team’s systems don't track their carbon credit narrative, convincing buyers they have a high quality credit will become exponentially harder as they scale. 

So, how can a CRM or any industry-agnostic SaaS platform capture all of the information that goes into even just one credit? 

Let’s back up. What goes into any given generated and sold carbon credit? At a high level: 

  • Peer Reviewed Methodologies
  • Permitting/Environmental and Social Assessments 
  • MRV, Auditors, & Registration
  • Auditable Data Packages
  • Credit Issuances 

Given this market-specific complexity, project developers shouldn’t have to heavily rely on customizing their CRMs and running the risk of their systems breaking throughout their carbon credit sales cycle. That’s why we built a suite of CRM and Accounting Software integrations. 

Following our deepest held philosophy of building excellent software to support the greatest climate companies, Alcove now integrates into a project developers’ existing processes to prevent double data entry and avoid overselling or underselling – all with the highly complex carbon specific tracking necessary for the data integrity that make a high quality credit possible. 

Now, your team can use Alcove’s unique carbon guardrails to power these workflows in context and in real-team:

  • Align deals and buyer opportunities with forecasted inventory
  • Never miss important deal or delivery milestones as you scale forward purchases
  • Fulfill buyer orders as your projects realize inventory in real-time
  • Deliver complete and contextual data packages to key stakeholders to help close deals
  • Develop robust reports on sales strategies and project performance

Selling carbon is hard to track and answering buyer questions and fulfilling their orders even harder to manage – with Alcove’s suite of integrations and carbon management platform, it doesn’t have to be. 

If you are using Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive, or any industry leading CRM, you don't need to hire a consultant to endlessly customize it to add carbon-specificity. Alcove will do it for you. We've seen this trap before and will help your team maintain the data integrity necessary to sell a high quality credit in the VCM today. 

Interested in a demo? Shoot us a note at